package tools
* this class allows to bypass the wmode restriction for the @ character
* @author lcharpentier
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.events.TextEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
import flash.display.Stage;
import Error;
public class ArrowBaseConverter
private static var arrObject:Array = new Array();
private static var arrKey:Array = new Array();
private static var bPower:Boolean = false;
private static var bDetected:Boolean = false;
private static var oTarget:TextField;
* Static method used to watch a textfield object and detect an @ character
* @param text
public static function watch(text:TextField)
if (!bPower)
if (!isMonitored(text))
text.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChange);
* Method used to stop the survey of a textField
* @param text
* @return boolean
public static function release(text:TextField):Boolean
if (isMonitored(text))
text.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChange);
arrObject.splice(arrObject.indexOf(text), 1);
return true;
return false;
catch (err:Error)
throw(“An error occured while trying to unregister a the ArrowBaseConverter :” + err.message);
return false;
* Method used to check if a textfield is already under survey
* @param text
* @return boolean
public static function isMonitored(text:TextField):Boolean
if (arrObject.indexOf(text)!=-1)
return true;
return false;
* Method used to initialize the survey engine
* @param text
private static function startConverter(text:TextField):void
if (text.stage == null)
throw new ArgumentError(“the TextField has to be into the display list to use this Class”);
text.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeydown)
text.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyUp)
* Listener used to check on change on a textfield
* @param e
private static function handleChange(e:Event):void
oTarget = e.currentTarget as TextField;
if (bDetected)
oTarget.text = oTarget.text.slice(0, -1)+“@”;
bDetected = false;
* Listeners used to detect an key press
* @param e
private static function handleKeydown(e:KeyboardEvent):void
trace(“key:”+detectArrowbase(e.keyCode, e.charCode));
if(arrKey.length == 0 || (arrKey.length > 0 && e.keyCode != arrKey[arrKey.length-1].key))
if (detectArrowbase(e.keyCode, e.charCode))
bDetected = true;
bDetected = false;
arrKey.push({ key:e.keyCode, char:e.charCode});
* Listener used to detect any key press
* @param e
private static function handleKeyUp(e:KeyboardEvent):void
arrKey = arrKey.splice(arrKey.indexOf(e.keyCode), 1);
* Method used to recognize a key associations which match the @ character
* @param kCode
* @param cCode
* @return bollean
private static function detectArrowbase(kCode:Number, cCode:Number):Boolean
//trace(kCode + ” | ” + cCode);
//Mac @ key verification
if (kCode == 50 && cCode == 64)
return true;
//PC Azerty @ verification
else if (arrKey.length > 0 && arrKey[arrKey.length – 1].key == 18 && arrKey[arrKey.length – 1].char == 0 && kCode == 48 && cCode == 224)
return true;
return false;