Informations issues de la FAQ d'Eclipsepedia : Why do all my files show as outgoing changes? The CVS plugin uses timestamps of the files on disk to track the modification state of versioned files. As a result, there are some cases where Windows users may find that as a result of either (1) an automatic daylight savings change or (2) moving files between file systems, that all the files show up as outgoing changes. See Bug 5337 ( for an explanation of the problem and workarounds. Thers is a utility action that will reset the timestamps so the files are in-sync with CVS. Be warned however that this utility resets the timestamps for any file whose timestamp differs from the sync timestamp by 1 hour. There is a possibility that this could reset a file that is really dirty. Use at your own risk. To use the action, install the plugin found here : and them run the CVS Util/Fix Timestamps command available from the context menu of the Resource Navigator.